Leaders on Stage
A program for authentic leadership.
9-13 April - Bucharest
We invite leaders of companies, non-profit organisations, communities to have a unique journey to authentic leadership through theatre, ritual, music and rhythm.
In a world of constant change and complex relationships, authentic leadership is becoming increasingly important. But what does it really mean to lead with courage?
This workshop is designed for managers and leaders who want to challenge themselves to move beyond strategy and control and learn to trust their intuition, connection and the power of storytelling
What is it practically?
A 5 day program to create a performance together, writing and staging a play, and perform on a real stage on the last day, in front of a guest audience of your choice. All this with Surrounded and supported by professionals with international claim, both on and off stage.
What can you expect?
During the week we will explore topics such as:
● The power of storytelling: How stories build community and strengthen leadership
● Performance as ritual: Theatre as a powerful ceremony where participants encounter themselves in new roles and perspectives.
● The role of the body: Rhythm, breath and movement as keys to presence and impact
● Participants will literally and figuratively step out on the catwalk to meet themselves in new roles, perspectives and insights
When does it happen:
9-13 April, 9am to 9pm - Bucharest
The challenges in life are strong and as a leader we need to stand firm – hold the space for those who follow in our foodsteps. To do that we can connect to what is already there … The road is not starting and ending with the individual. The systemic contribution is offering a rootedness in the bigger story of your life – the wider system that holds us and connects us.
This is not your typical leadership training programme. It's a unique experience where theatre and ritual come together to help leaders.
Your life and leadership become the script, you are on stage - welcome transformation on body, mind and spirit.
By performing on stage, you tap into everything you are and share with other participants. Each is a hero and a support role in one play, one life, one universe.
What is the change to welcome:
● Breaking old patterns - awareness and discovering a new you.
● Connect with your instincts, body language and emotional intelligence.
● Approach tension and conflict from a place of calm and authenticity.
Creative team:
Junior Mthombeni: Director, theatre maker and storyteller
Cesar Janssens: Musician and composer
Gerardo Salinas: Dramaturg and coach
Lisi Estaras: Choreographer and dancer with a unique vision of movement and expression.
Junior Mthombeni - Belgium
Director, theatre maker
“Drawing on my years of experience as a theatre maker, director and storyteller, I will lead an intensive week-long workshop in Bucharest: Together with my team we bring a rich mix of disciplines to offer participants a powerful and transformative experience”.
Ria Verlinden - Belgium
Systemic Facilitator and Elder
“This week will dust off your roots and make your wings fly and open up to live fully – with all it brings and asks of you.
In the past, the future is growing…”
Supporting the process and participating on stage…
Ilinca Paun
Systemio co-founder
“Telling my story on stage from a dignified place brings a deep healing, the most kind and warm hug to my soul. Joining the group of brave leaders in music, theatre and rhythm will create a connection beyond jobs, responsibilities and money. Raw and true.
Cosmin Alexandru
Systemio co-founder
“Being on stage is different than acting on stage. It’s more of a brave space, than a safe space. I’m drawn to explore what will come out when I connect my body, mind and soul to express what is true for all of them, not only for one of them. To step out in order to connect within.”
' The further you look back – the further forward you can see '
Winston Churchill
Junior Sephunyane Mthombeni - Ria Verlinden